24hr Letter Writing Marathon - meet our sponsors
To mark World Cancer Day 2025, we are holding a FREE online 24hr Letter Writing Marathon: From 9am on Saturday 8th February - 9am on Sunday 9th February, 2025 (you only need to join for an hour!).
Book your place here and join us for an hour of writing for our Donate A Letter programme (we certainly don’t expect you to be online with us for 24hrs!). We’re hoping to have supporters from around the world logging on with us because we will cover all time zones. We can’t wait to see you there!
This event is only possible (and able to be FREE for everyone) thanks to our kind sponsors…
Our sponsors
We are extremely lucky to have like-minded, compassionate businesses involved in our Letter Writing Marathon who are sponsoring an hours slot during the 24hr period (and in one case, 2 hours). They include:
Kentish and Co - Smith Eliot - Harper Sheldon - Integrated Estate Management - SmartSec Solutions - Farlow Farm Nursery - Engineered Marketing Communications Ltd - Weston Wills and Probate - Dominic Tunnel Opticians - Autonomous Ideas - Grafton Banks - The Chiropractic Hub - Integral - Frankie’s - Macro - Segpay - Eureka Financial Solutions.
Without these generous sponsors, we would struggle to put on an event like this. And with the aim to bring people together to write letters to donate to our Donate A Letter programme, we’ll need to buy stamps to post all the lovely new letters to cancer patients.
If you’d like to join our sponsors, it’s not too late to get involved. Sponsoring an hour costs £250 and for this you’ll get materials to share with staff, clients and stakeholders to show your partnership with us and invite them to join the event. We will also publicise your support in all pre and post event marketing (and during the event itself). Please get in touch to find out more. We’d love to work with you.
On behalf of all those who will benefit from the funds raised and the letters generated by this event, THANK YOU. Our service really makes a difference. Here’s how…