From Me to Brew
Connect, have a cuppa, raise money
Running throughout the year, our From Me to Brew event encourages people to gather together, drink tea and eat cake - whilst raising much-needed funds for our work.
Whether you’d like to host yours at home, take over the staff room at work, have a stall outside school, or hire the village hall – every single From Me to Brew event will make a huge difference to our work. And most importantly, to the people who rely on our letters to brighten their days.
Join our From Me to Brew fundraising event by requesting your free pack today, beautifully designed by our Community Ambassadors, The Wildflower Illustrations Company.
Each From Me to Brew pack includes:
A welcome note from us with a handy checklist to make sure everything runs smoothly (inc. information on how people can donate online at the event and how you can pay in any cash given).
Promotional poster for you to add the time and place of your event
Recipe for some yummy Raspberry Pastry Envelopes
Cake toppers /name tags for you to label your goodies
Form to capture the details of people who donate cash and would like to receive a thank you from us
Thank you poster to display after the event, where you can add in how much your From Me to Brew event raised
As a thank you, every organiser who raises over £200 from their From Me to Brew event will be entered into a prize draw to win a beautiful writing set from our Community Ambassadors The Wildflower Illustrations Company.
Your impact
Each From Me to Brew event will play a part in helping us continue our vital work. Every year we send over 10,000 letters to cancer patients – helping to ease the loneliness and isolation they can experience during treatment and recovery. To some, our letters bring a welcomed distraction from cancer, to others they are a lifeline.
Sign up today
Sign up today and we’ll post you your free From Me to Brew event pack out. If you are desperate to get the promotional poster up in the meantime, we can email one to you to print out and pop up - just get in touch!
On behalf of everyone who will benefit from the money your From Me to Brew event raises, THANK YOU.
If you’re wondering where to pay the money you have raised, you can do so via our From Me to Brew Just Giving page or our donate page here.
£5 funds stamps for letters to a cancer patient for 6 months – helping them to feel less alone.
£25 pays for 250 posters and leaflets to be distributed across the UK – reaching patients who don’t yet know we exist.
£120 enables us to supply one of our outlets with letters for their cancer patients for a year – offering them a much-needed distraction from treatment.
Together, we can help keep people with cancer connected.
One cuppa, cake or biscuit at a time…