Understanding the isolation of those living with cancer

Photo of a paper copy of The Daily Telegraph article featuring From Me to You titled 'The letters that got patients through lockdown'

This month we were lucky enough to be featured in the Health Section of the Daily Telegraph newspaper. Brian had been interviewed, talking about the isolation he experienced during his cancer treatment, despite being surrounded by friends and family. This same isolation has been experienced by so many of us during the pandemic but it has been amplified for those alone with cancer. And now, as restrictions are eased and we meet again with friends and family, isolation continues for many, just as it was present before Covid.

Deborah Linton's interview struck a chord with many of the papers' readers and we have been overwhelmed by people signing up to be letter writers for Donate A Letter, kind messages and donations.

You can read the article here (or by enlarging the photo above)


The impact a letter makes


100 postcards for Captain Tom